आत्मनिर्भरताको नमुना: शिखरापुर आईपीएम उद्यमी समूह A Model of Self-Reliance: The Shikharapur IPM Entrepreneurial Group

नाेट: प्रतिवेदनलाइ नेपाली र अँग्रेजी भाषामा राखिएकाे छ समुहमा शक्ति हुन्छ । समूहमा काम गर्दा एकअर्कामा सहयोगको आदानप्रदान भई कुनै पनि लक्ष्य हासिल गर्न सहज हुन्छ र कमजोर समूह सदस्यलाई सबैको सहयोगमा माथि उठाउन सहज हुन्छ, हो यही मान्यतालाई आत्मासात गर्दै विशेष गरी गैरसरकारी संस्थाहरुले विकासका विविध गतिविधिहरु गर्दा समूह निर्माण, समूहमा लगानी र सामुहिक नेतृत्वका सम्पूर्ण पक्षहरु सिकाउने चलन …

“Bridging Cultures: Scouts from Luxembourg and SCLC Unite to Build ALRC”- a reflection by Charly Feider

44 scouts joined the staff of Shikharapur Community Learning Center (SCLC) for a camp in Pharping to work together on the Agricultural Learning Resource Center (ALRC), a new centre of SCLC supported by ONGD-FNEL, Luxembourg. This center is essentially a school meant to provide training, support, and resources related to agriculture and entrepreneurship. The first two floors of the center …

“Mushroom Farming of Mausam and Sushan Blossoms with Support from ONGD FNEL Luxembourg”..

Sushan and Mausam, the residential students at Shikharapur CLC Bottle House have embraced mushroom farming as a means to promote sustainable agriculture and entrepreneurship, thanks to the support of ONGD FNEL Luxembourg. The students have established a mushroom farm on bottle house premises, aiming to acquire practical knowledge and develop a self-sustaining agricultural model. With the guidance and resources provided …

Immersed in Community Learning: A Day at Shikharapur CLC

On April 28, 2023. We, the third-year students of BASW at Xavier International College, visited the Shikharapur Community Learning Centre (SCLC) to learn about how a community organization works. The SCLC offers a wide range of programs in their community, including free education, advocacy, agriculture, and community health. The best thing I witnessed was that it gives dropout students access …