3 Day Capacity Development Training for Women

Shikharapur CLC is organizing a 3 Day Capacity Development Training for women. The event is financially supported by Ward no 9 Office of Dakshinkali Municipality. The women representing women’s group, cooperatives, farmers group, local clubs and Community Development Organization (Tole Bikash Sanstha) will participate the training.

Shikharapur CLC will collaborate with different departments of Municipality for the management of resource persons and different sessions. The training will be held at Balcony Hall of Shikharapur CLC.
The beneficiary trainees will get ideas of legal literacy, leadership ideas, ICT and Social Media Tips, Women Development and their representation in community development based in our current constitution.
The women will be also trained about the role of children in community development. It is sought that the women representatives will mobilize different age group in the development of the community.

Web News:
Niroj Shrestha
Program Manager

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