Start Up of Dakshinkali Haat Market

Dakshinkali Municipality inaugurated Haat Market on 14th January at Pharping, Football Ground. Haat or even haat bazaar, is an open-air market that serves as a trading venue for local people in rural areas and towns. Under the management of Committee of Economic Development of Municipality, a formal start up was commenced. Different Farmers groups based in villages who have registered in Municipality were called and asked to demonstrate and sale their own products from their field. Different handicrafts, woodcrafts, stone crafts and food processed ideas were also demonstrated.

The formal program seems very much typical as same as other general program but the objective of the Hatt Market seems unique since they are planning to change the venues per week.
Shikharapur Farmers Entrepreneurs Group members also demonstrated their products and also sold during the haat market time.

Our entrepreneurs members seems happy to have such selling platform where they could take their products and get good price instantly. The group members gathered for the meeting and they assigned their members to be present on behalf of their group and Shikharapur CLC/ONGD-FNEL Project.

Such type of events and plan will surely encourage not only our associated farmers but as a whole. We appreciate this step of our Municipality. Our project will prepare our farmers for the sales per week in such events.

Web News,
Pramila Waiba,
JT/Agriculture Technician,
ONGD-FNEL/SCLC Project, Bottle House

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