Vijayadashami Gathering, T-shirt and Card Distribution for Open School Participants

On October 8, 2024, Shikharapur Community Learning Center and Shikharapur Open School jointly organized a special event to celebrate the success of the students who passed the Secondary Education Examination(SEE) 2080 exam. The event was held at the Shikharapur Agricultural Learning Resource Center (ALRC), coinciding with the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashami. It was attended by around 50 individuals, including participants from grades 8 and 10 of the Open School, facilitators, and notable figures from the community.

The program was chaired by Mr. Shyam Bahadur KC, President of the Community Learning Center. The gathering included prominent guests such as Mr. Shashi Sharma Aryal, a campaigner of Shikharapur Movement, as well as the Chief of Shikharapur Campus, the Principal of Shikharapur Community School, and several former participants of Shikharapur Open School. The event was skillfully hosted by Ms. Lalita Lamichhane, Field Coordinator of SCLC ONGD FNEL Project.

During the ceremony, Mr. Vinod Mahat, Principal of Shikharapur Open School, honored and congratulated the seven students who successfully passed the SEE 2080 exam. To mark the occasion, the participants were gifted school t-shirts and personalized congratulatory cards, made possible with support from ONGD-FNEL Luxembourg and other donors who supported partially.

In addition, the event recognized the efforts of students/staff who performed in an awareness drama presented during the 58th International Literacy Day celebration at the Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD). These performers were also thanked and presented with gifts as a token of appreciation from Shikharapur Open School.

The event included inspiring remarks from various speakers, including Ms. Maya Lama, a former participant of Shikharapur Open School, who shared her experience of overcoming challenges and achieving success through the open school program. She encouraged current students to continue their education with determination. Jennifer Lamichhane, one of the SEE graduates, expressed her gratitude and shared how the open school gave her a second chance at pursuing education.

Mr. Niroj Shrestha, Chief of Shikharapur Campus and Director of SCLC/ONGD FNEL Project, also congratulated the students, highlighting the significance of providing support, including school uniforms, which symbolize respect for the participants’ efforts. He acknowledged the valuable support received from ONGD-FNEL and other sources for this initiative.

The program concluded with an encouraging speech from the President, Mr. Shyam Bahadur KC, who urged the students to maintain their commitment to learning and to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the open school.

Report prepared by:

Lalita Lamichhane,

Field Coordinator, SCLC/ONGD FNEL Project & Shikharapur Open School

विजयादशमी तथा चियापान कार्यक्रम तथा
खुला विद्यालयका सहभागीहरुलाइ विद्यालय टिसर्ट र कार्ड वितरण

शिखरापुर सामुदायिक सिकाइ केन्द्र र शिखरापुर खुला विद्यालयको संयुक्त आयोजनामा विजयादशमीको उपलक्ष्यमा एसइइ २०८० मा उर्तीण भएका सहभागीहरुलाई बधाइ तथा चियापान कार्यक्रम मिति २०८१ असोज २१ गते शिखरापुर कृषि स्रोत केन्द्रको हलमा सम्पन्न भयो । कार्यक्रमको अध्यक्षता सामुदायिक सिकाइ केन्द्रका अध्यक्ष श्री श्यामबहादुर केसीले गर्नु भएके थियो । कार्यक्रममा खुला विद्यालयका कक्षा ८ र १० का सहभागीहरु, सहजकर्ता, शिखरापुर क्याम्पस प्रमुख, शिखरापुर सामुदायिक विद्यालयका प्रधानाध्यपक, शिखरापुर परिवारका अभियान्ता श्री शशी शर्मा अर्याल, शिखरापुर खुला विद्यायलका पूर्व सहभागी लगायत करिब ५० जनाको उपस्थिति रहेको थियो । कार्यक्रमको उद्घोषण शिखरापुर खुला विद्यालयकी संयोजक ललिता लामिछानेले गर्नु भएको थियो ।

यस शिखरापुर खुला विद्यालयबाट २०८० को एसइइ परीक्षामा उर्तीण गर्नु भएको ७ जना सहभागीहरुलाई खुला विद्यालयका प्रधानाध्यापक विनोद महतले खादा लगाएर बधाइ तथा सम्मान गर्नुभयो । यसै गरी ५८औं अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय साक्षरता दिवसको अवसरमा शिक्षा तथा मानव स्रोत विकास केन्द्रको परिसरमा चेतनामूलक नाटक प्रस्तुत गरिएको थियो । सो नाटकमा सहभागी कलाकारहरुलाई सम्मान तथा धन्यवाद सहित शिखरापुर खुला विद्यालयको टिर्सट उपहार प्रदान गरिएको थियो । कार्यक्रमका वक्ताहरुले खुला विद्यालयका सहभागीहरुलाई बधाई तथा विजयादशमीको शुभकामना दिदै खुला विद्यालयलाई एउटा अवसरको रुपमा लिएर आफ्नो रोकिएको अध्ययनलाई अगाडि बढाउनु हुन अनुरोध गनुभयो । साथै शिखरापुर खुला विद्यालयकी पूर्व सहभागी माया लामाले खुला विद्यालयकै माध्यमबाट आफुले जीवनमा सफलता हासिल गरेको अनुभव सुनाउदै शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्नुभयो । एसइइ उत्तीर्ण सहभागी जेनिफर लामिछानेले पनि खुला विद्यालयबाट लै आफुले दोस्रो पटक अध्ययन शुरु गरेको बताउदै शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्नुभयो ।

शिखरापुर क्याम्पसका प्रमुख निरोज श्रेष्ठले सहभागीहरुलाई शुभकामना दिदै खुला विद्यालयको सहभागीहरुका लागि ONGD FNELको केही सहयोग तथा अन्य सहयोग जुटाएर पोशाकको व्यवस्थापन गरेको र यो सहभागीहरुको लागि सम्मानको विषय रहेको बताउनुभयो । कार्यक्रमको समापनका क्रममा सभाध्यक्ष श्री श्यामबहादुर केसीले सहभागीहरुलाई आफ्नो अध्ययनलाई राम्रोसँग अगाडि बढाउन आग्रह गर्दै समापन गर्नुभयो ।

  ललिता लामिछाने

संयोजक,शिखरापुर खुला विद्यालय

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