A Transformative Training for Stronger Leadership and Development

On August 12, 2023, a one-day training on “Strategic Leadership and Organizational Development” took place at the beautiful Paradise Hills Resort. Shikharapur Community Learning Center (SCLC) made it happen, with great help from ONGD-FNEL Luxembourg. The goal of the training was to make the skills and leadership abilities of the staff and board members stronger. The main idea is to  help these important people become even better at leading and making things happen.

The training brought together a bunch of people who care about their community. Some were executives from different organizations that help in the development of Dakshinkali Municipality in many ways. Everyone was excited to learn and make things better together.

Mr. Raj Bahadur Giri led the training and the lead trainer assisted by Ms. Sweta Shrestha. He has long experience about helping organizations grow and develop. With his help, everyone spent the day learning cool stuff, like how good leaders act and how organizations can get even better. They talked, played games, and even played roles in activities which simulate to solve real problems. It was like a fun school day but for grown-ups.

Mr. Giri made sure everyone had a chance to share their ideas and work together. They did teamwork activities, showed their ideas in front of others, and played games to think creatively. They even pretended to be leaders in different situations. This made learning really interesting and helpful.

At the end of the training, everyone felt like it was just the beginning of something great. They had a special time to think about what they learned and how they can use it. With all the new ideas and tools they got from the training, they’re planning to make their organizations and the Dakshinkali Municipality even better.

Everyone felt really thankful to Mr. Giri and the organizers. The training was like a big pool of inspiration and power. It showed how important it is for everyone to work together and have strong leaders. This special event taught them that if they use smart ways of leading, they can make their community even better and last for a long, long time.

We conclude the training with the following thoughts in our minds.

“In the big picture of making communities better, strong leaders are like the magic thread that makes everything come together.”

Web News by:

Rojina Shrestha, 

Project Intern, SCLC


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