Chirring writes SEE Examination Sitting in a wheelchair while Hari with his feet.

Shikharapur Open School, located in Dakshinkali Municipality, Ward No. 5, is going to make 45 students from Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Makwanpur districts participate in this year’s SEE examination. In order to develop and manage Open School, established in 2064 BS and has been providing free education for 15 years with the approval of the Government of Nepal. The school is …

Project Management Training for Staffs and Board Members

Program: Time: 11:00 AM- 4:00 PM Venue: Bottle Hall, Shikharapur CLC Date: 2022 April 24 Resource Person: Mrs. Deepa Shakya Private Sector and Social Inclusion Manager at DAI/ USAID’s Tayar Nepal Trainings, workshops and learning exposures play vital role in developing capacities among staffs and board members. Its crystal clear that when people see and feel things from their own …

ONGD FNEL Experience exchange seminar of partner organizations

Many countries have been cooperating in Nepal’s social development. Luxembourg’s ONGD FNEL Scouts and Guides has also been doing remarkable work in the field of education, health, employment, women empowerment, entrepreneurship, technology-friendly education, infrastructure development and agriculture in collaboration with NGOs from different districts of Nepal.   Based on 12 organizations, ONGD FNEL has been working to help the people …

Rohit Tamang: Starting a Bee Farming Business

Address: Raksirang, Rural Municipality  Makwanpur  When Rohit finished his grade 10 education, he was not sure where to go as there was no college for higher education in his home village. He learnt from some fellow villagers about the opportunity to study with the Shikharapur Community Learning Center, which he later joined and successfully completed his higher-secondary classes. He also …

An inspirational visit to Shikharapur CLC – “A School for Community- ASC Pharping”

28th March2022. ASC is an umbrella organization which includes Open school, Farmers School, Shikharapur Campus, School, Montessori, CLC, women and youth groups, entrepreneurs group and women school etc. This organization is located at Dakshinkali, Pharping. This organization also includes kindergarten to bachelors level college, it also consists of community library which is supported by UNESCO. Shikharapur was the first private …

Strategic Meeting of Agriculture Learning Resource Centre (ALRC)

Program: Venue: Bottle Hall, Shikharapur CLC Date: 24th April, 2022 Time: 8.00 am – 10.45 am Resource Person:  Mr. Niranjan Pandey, MA, Economics/ BSc.Ag/ Hicast College Former Enterprise development officer at Helvetas Nepal Phase 1 : Strategic Meeting   Phase 2: Learning Exposure     Phase 3 : Development of ALRC Operation Guideline   The ambitious project of Shikharapur CLC, named as …

ONGD-FNEL Nepal Partners Workshop 2022

A national workshop of partners of ONGD-FNEL supported NGOs of Nepal is being held on 6th April 2022. The event will be hosted by Shikharapur Community Learning Centre (SCLC), based in Dakshinkali Municipality, Pharping. ONGD-FNEL has been supporting total 12 NGOs of Nepal who are working in education, children, women, construction and overall development. During the event, the NGO partners …

Shikharapur Open Online School

कोरोना महामरीका कारण शिक्षण सिकाइमा नयाँ उपाय अवलम्बन गर्न समुदायलाइ वाध्य बनाएको छ । यो महामारीको नियन्त्रण कहिलेसम्ममा हुन्छ भन्ने निर्क्यैल छैन । यसबीच ससारभरि नै प्रविधिमैत्री शिक्षण प्रणाली लागु भइ समुदायले शिक्षण सिकाइमा नवीनतम अयाममा अघि बढीसकेको यथार्थ हामी बिच छ । नेपालले पनि अनलाइनमा अधारित तथा रेडिये टेलिभिज पत्रपत्रिकामा अधारित रही अध्ययन अध्यापन गराउन प्रयासरत रहेको हामीले पाएका …

Awareness Program

On 23rd of March, 2022 trainees organised a short informational presentation on 4 different topics: Personal Hygiene, Menstrual Hygiene, Child Right and Good and Bad touch. This program was conducted in Shikharapur Community School for the students of Grade 8. Trainees all gathered in the school by 11 and were ready for the program. First the trainees all introduced themselves …

Raksirang Food Relief Success Story

Supporting our residential students leads to support whole village… Raksirang Food Relief Success Story Niroj Shrestha, SCLC, Program Manager   ONGD-FNEL is partnering with different Non Government Organization (NGOs) in Nepal. Among the NGOs, Shikharapur Community Learning Center (SCLC) is one which is working in Southern region of Kathmandu District. SCLC is working with ONGD-FNEL since 2017. The main mission …