Every teacher is a learner and every learner is a teacher

Creating platform for learning, sharing and transformation of knowledge to create positive vives in community.

In SCLC, not only do we believe that education is important for community members, we also think that the community itself is a school for everyone.There are at least three generations present within the community and they hold different knowledge and experiences. Every teacher is a learner and every learner can be a teacher. 

In Nepal, too much emphasis has been given to formal education and getting accreditation. However, SCLC believes that experiences and knowledge of our immediate surroundings is more important, and that every individual can have such knowledge. For instance, our elderly mothers have knowledge on rituals and some indigenous skills like weaving grass mats. As long as we have an open mind and willingness to learn, we would be able to recognize, respect and learn from many teachers in the community. 

We also bring our knowledge holders to other platforms to share with others their experiences. For instance, we have once brought a dalit old man to a UNESCO meeting to share his lifetime experience before and after casteism. We believe such knowledge also promote more understanding and reflection among learners. 

Our goal is to realize everyone’s potential in becoming a teacher and learner, and we did this by promoting volunteerism, and promoting interactions within our network, such as between farmers and students, elderly women and farmers, parents and children, etc.